What is Tender Evolution?


Tender Evolution is a holistic practice for an integrated body and a full life. Megan Wilde is a queer and non-binary Doula, Yoga Therapist, Pelvic Floor Yoga™ Teacher, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in training. They created Tender Evolution out of a passion for supporting people to:

♡ feel vibrant in their body and to be able to move in the ways that support their needs

♡ feel connected and supported through challenging experiences

♡ cultivate porous hearts that can both give and receive. 



Megan was born in Oregon and at different times in their life has also put down roots in California, Mexico, Argentina and Kenya. From a very young age, they have always been a lover of the outdoors and are often exploring the wonders of the Pacific Northwest. They currently live on the traditional land of the Chinook, Cowlitz, Clackamas, Multnomah and many other tribes in so called Portland, Oregon.

In 2012, Megan began practicing as a yoga teacher and doula and has since expanded and focused their offerings to support the prenatal and postpartum community. Megan uses movement and mindfulness in a trauma-informed environment to meet people where they are and create space for their individual exploration. Within this work, they are passionate about creating more space for queer and gender non-conforming people in the birth & yoga world. Megan is also the creator of Tender Nest: Somatic Childbirth Education.

Through their own life experience, Megan has learned that The Tender Way is the most sustainable. In their work, Megan offers opportunities to explore and express all parts of ourselves. Holding space for it all, the light and the dark and everything in between, they support people in their journey to connect to areas of their body that may feel vulnerable, disconnected, or simply need tending to. Megan is passionate about supporting others as they expand, grow, and evolve through transitions, grow out of patterns, or seek a deeper understanding of themselves and the world.

Megan has a Bachelor’s Degree in Latin American Studies from Portland State University, trained as a yoga therapist at the DAYA Foundation. They completed Doula training at Mothertree with Jesse Remer, Prenatal / Postpartum Yoga Teacher Training with Shana Celnciker-Chong, they are Body Ready Method® trained and studied with Leslie Howard to become a Pelvic Floor Yoga™ Teacher.

Megan is queer, non-binary, white, neurodivergent and able bodied and grew up with many opportunities to learn and travel. They are dedicated to dismantling the white supremacist, cis-heterosexist, ableist and fatphobic thinking that are so dominant in the wellness, yoga and birth worlds. Some ways they do this work is by participating in anti-racist and anti-oppression trainings including Birthing Beyond the Binary with king yaa and Race & Resilience Leadership Cohort led by Michelle Johnson & Kerri Kelly.

Education & Training