ONLINE | $65.00
The class will be capped at 10 students and there will be time for check ins as well as mindfulness practices to aid in resourcing yourself during these times of social distancing. The class will offer space to explore your postpartum body, reengage with the pelvic floor and core, build up strength and stretch the areas that are tired from care-taking, ask questions, get resources, as well as time for rest - in the comfort of your home. Upon registration you will be emailed instructions on how to access the class through Zoom.
This class is for all birthing people. Equity payment options are available— BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and those in financial need will be given priority.
Details: 6 sessions on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM: April 15th, 22nd, 29th, May 6th, 13th, 20th
$65 for the live online series | Note: This class is offered as a series and I am unable to modify the rate.
Due to the unpredictiable nature of birth and my work as a doula, if a class must be cancelled due to a birth, I will work with students to schedule the most accessible makeup time, and offer an audio recording of the class to any students who are unable to attend at the rescheduled time.